Saturday, December 01, 2007


I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the Lord
sustains me.
I will not fear the tens of thousands
drawn up against me on every side.

Psalm 3:5-6

I don't have much to say this week; I would just like to thank God for sustaining me through the exams and giving me the assurance of victory. It's not the same as success. He hasn't promised great results as if I didn't have to work for it. But more like victory over the tens of thousands of anxieties that crop up daily for the compulsive temperament; victory over the fears and confounded perfectionism that kept me from writing complete essays in timed exams.

This peace is so valuable, and yet, looking back at my life I realise just how much time I spent running away from it, seeking "better" things that I thought would make me happy, if only I had them. I spent disproportionately more time on studies and no time on praying. I seemed to be doing a lot of running around, chasing butterflies that wouldn't be caught. I'm still learning how to be still, to stop and look at Christ, trusting that he will provide all that I need for the day.

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