Saturday, February 02, 2008

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread

I used to spend a great deal of time worrying about whether I could stay two steps ahead of my work. And then worrying when I couldn't. And then worrying whether I would be able to catch up tomorrow. This semester of studies I am barely able to keep up, if at all, especially since I am now "old" in my youth service and have to step up to lead a lot more. Between church activities, campus activities, and the six modules I'm taking for this semester (insane, I know), I should have plenty to worry about. But I'm not. Strangely. This semester seems to be about learning that God will give me my daily bread, and to trust Him for that. I am learning to trust that God gives enough for the day, that I will somehow be able to finish my work in time, despite giving up my time for church and praying and friendship. And throughout these weeks I have had just enough hours in the day to accomplish what that day required. And if I didn't finish what the world has demanded I finish, I know I did my best by my Father's standards. When all's said and done and the final bell tolls, I think God's not going to ask me how many A's I got but how many disciples I made, how many moments I made count for Him.

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